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House price for a Flat/Maisonette property in SW8 4HP. It has 2 habitable rooms with a gross internal area of 81 square meters. The valuation assumes Average condition relative to similar properties in the neighbourhood. Use Advanced Valuation to customise the valuation.

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1Estimated Fair Market Value (FMV).
2This feature is currently experimental. Asking prices can be higher or lower depending on the level of furnishing and market conditions.
3This feature is currently experimental and might change in the future.
EPC Choice Logo An EPC is a legal requirement for the sale or rental of domestic property – Higher EPC ratings can enhance the value of a property and provide access to favourable mortgage deals. To talk to an expert follow this link
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Mortgage Calculator

Property value

£00,000per month

In total, you would pay back£000

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These results are only indicative. The interest rate has been assumed to be fixed for the selected mortgage term. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Recent and future price estimates for 18 BLORE CLOSE, LONDON

Price distribution in SW8 4HP neighbourhood

Price per meter in SW8 4HP neighbourhood

Price per foot in SW8 4HP neighbourhood

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Local Area Profile*

* English indices of deprivation 2019

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Why Use AccuVal?

AccuVal aims to help you make an informed decision for your housing journey. In particular:

  • The sale value helps you determine the fair market value if you are looking to buy a new house, or sell your own house.
  • Rental value helps if determine the rental income (or cost) you are looking for a house to rent, or renting out your own house or flat.
  • Liquidity index score gives you an indication of how fast a house can be sold at the fair market value. Also, how lenders might be welling to lend against it (lenders prefer higher scores).

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Disclaimer: any value estimates provided on our website are intended for general interest and informational purposes only. Use at your own risk.